Creating better

opportunities for geeks

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Our heart



We help you successfully transition into a Tech career by providing you with the necessary tools to make your journey a smooth one.


Register to be a mentor or mentee and gain access to our community of Mentors, specialised in different tech fields - our Mentors help to make the Mentees learning; a solid and enjoyable experience.

Build For Social Good

The build for social good is a hackathon program aimed at encouraging developers, designers, and techies to build scalable products/ideas to solve a social good problem in their communities.

Donation Details

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ProjectReporting to Keep You Involved


Laptops Support made


Browsing Data support


Mentor Support


Build4SocialGood Project Support

Today’s donations

create future


Your donation plants seeds of kindness in others, and this promotes a world of revolving kind-hearted people. Help learners get laptops and data to kickstart and make their journey in tech a success.

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